Emotionally Focused Therapy Deep-dive

- The 3 Stages of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT)
- What to expect during EFT assessment sessions
- What normal Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT) sessions looks like
- What you will be able to do after completing EFT couples therapy
The 3 Stages of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT)
Stage 1: Decreasing Distress.
The first stage of Emotionally Focused Therapy is all about decreasing the distress that couples are feeling. Part of how we do this in EFT couples counseling is by identifying the negative communication pattern that you may be caught in. While there are more variations, the most common communication patterns couples experience are:
- criticize – defend (the high conflict pattern)
- pursue – withdraw (the “I’m doing this all on my own” pattern)
- withdraw – withdraw (the roommate pattern)
Once you can identify your communication pattern, the next step is to start identifying the emotions that leading you both to reacting to each other versus being able to respond to each other. By understanding what is leading to your own and your partner’s behaviors, you can start to change the pattern.
Stage 2: Developing New Patterns (that lead to closeness and connection).
In the second stage of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT or EFCT), the focus is on helping you both cope differently with the painful emotions driving the original communication pattern. In this stage of EFT couples therapy, an EFT therapist will help you turn to each other for emotional support, validation, and empathy. When you can identify your emotions, share them with your partner, and get support from your partner, this is called relational coping. Over time, a new pattern involving relational coping is developed. This pattern helps couples feel safe, comforted, accepted, understood, and emotionally close and connected.
Stage 3: Using New Skills to Solve Lingering Problems
The final stage of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT or EFCT), involves using the new communication skills and relational coping skills to problem solve any lingering concerns. These concerns could include things like your sex life, differences in parenting style or money management, or any other concerns that are still lingering. Once you’ve used the new skills for lingering problems, you are ready to end EFT couples therapy!
What to expect during EFT assessment sessions
Session 1: Orientation and Relationship History
During the first session, your EFT couple therapist will meet with go over things like their policies and procedures to help you get oriented to what EFT couples therapy will be like. Then they will ask to hear more about your relationship history, your love story, the concerns that are brining you couples counseling, and what you both how to achieve out of the EFT couple therapy process.
Sessions 2 & 3: Individual Sessions
During the second and third sessions, your EFT therapist will meet with each partner individually. All questions will be the same for each partner, but this allows the therapist and each partner to get to know each other one-on-one. The EFT couples therapist will likely ask questions about your individual relationship history, what it was like to grow up in your family, and if there are any mental and physical heath concerns impacting you in the relationship. If needed, your therapist may refer you to additional support services such as helping you find an individual therapist or medication provider.
Session 4: Summary Session
In the fourth session of EFT couple therapy, your EFT therapist will provide a summary of the assessment process and what to expect next n EFT couples therapy. This may include a discussion about how normal cultural or family differences have led to differing expectations in the relationship, or how past relationship insecurities may be showing up in the relationship. They will likely also include a summary of what seems like it is really going well in the relationship and the relationship strengths that you have as a couple. Depending on the length of time needed for the overview, t’s typical that your EFT couples therapist will start helping you figure out your communication pattern in this session if they haven’t done so already.
What normal Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT) Sessions look like
What you will be able to do after completing EFT couples therapy
At the end of EFT couples therapy, couples feel less reactive, emotionally closer and more confident in their relationship. Couples have an internal sense that they are a team and are there for each other. They are able to confide in each other and share concerns in a more clear and direct way, as well as listen to each other with empathy. Couples end EFT coupes therapy knowing how to provide validation and emotionally attune to each other; and their relationship is characterized by accessibility, responsiveness, and engagement.