In an unforeseen and unexpected turn of events, a prominent native doctor known as Akwa Okuko, based in his hometown of Oba in the Idemili North local government area of Anambra State, was kidnapped on Sunday night. The incident occurred in one of his hotels in the town, leaving the local community in shock.
Known colloquially as Akwa Okuko Tiwara Aki, or “an egg that breaks palm nut”, this renowned figure was believed to possess the mystical power of disappearance. However, to the astonishment of many, he was unable to evade his captors when they came for him, challenging his supposed supernatural abilities.
Reports have disclosed that two of Akwa Okuko’s personal aides were tragically killed in the vicinity of the hotel, Triple P Hotel, during the incident. This event has stunned the community further as the hotel is one of the three establishments Akwa Okuko has built in Oba, demonstrating his well-established and respected presence in the area.
Regarded as one of the most powerful native doctors in Anambra State, the ease with which Akwa Okuko was kidnapped from his own hotel has sparked disbelief among locals and raised questions about his reputed powers. The Triple P Hotel, a well-known landmark of Oba, has become the epicenter of this baffling incident, casting a shadow over its usually lively ambiance.
The Anambra State police command has promptly confirmed Akwa Okuko’s kidnap. The state’s Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Toochukwu Ikenga, revealed that the incident happened around 11:30 pm. The local law enforcement’s swift response underscores the significance of this event and the urgency with which they are treating it.
State Commissioner of Police, Aderemi Adeoye, has already ordered operatives to aggressively pursue the culprits and ensure Akwa Okuko’s safe return. This rapid call to action is indicative of the doctor’s status in the community and the desire to rectify this unsettling occurrence.
A source close to the incident has lamented, “Akwa Okuko Tiwara Aki has been kidnapped. Two of his security men were shot dead. The ease of his abduction has put a question mark on his rumored strength.”
In the aftermath of the abduction, Oba has been abuzz with speculation and concern. Many residents have been visiting Akwa Okuko’s house to confirm the veracity of the kidnapping news, questioning how such an event could occur, given the vast powers the doctor was believed to possess. This has heightened the sense of uncertainty and worry pervading the town.
The kidnappers, who caught the local population and authorities off guard, have yet to make any contact with Akwa Okuko’s family regarding a potential ransom. As the days pass, anxieties rise and questions remain unanswered, leaving the community in a state of suspense.
In light of these events, it is clear that the tale of Akwa Okuko’s kidnapping has rocked Oba and indeed the entire Anambra State, bringing into focus the fallibility of even the most revered figures. As investigations continue, one can only hope that justice will be served and that Akwa Okuko will soon return to his community.