Renowned Reggae Entertainer MC Fullstop Hospitalized in ICU after Suffering from Collapsed Lung

On March 29th, popular reggae entertainer Mc Fullstop made a heartbreaking announcement on his Instagram page, revealing his ongoing battle with tuberculosis (TB) and his struggles to cope with its devastating effects on his body. With an air of sadness and resignation, he spoke about the severe damage TB had caused to his left lung, which had collapsed entirely, leaving him with only one functioning lung.
Mc Fullstop’s journey with TB started in 2021 when he was first diagnosed with lung TB. Unfortunately, the disease had progressed too far, and it had already eaten away one of his lungs. A year later, in 2022, he was hit again, this time with throat TB, which had completely destroyed his voice. As a result, he found it challenging to do basic activities such as running, walking, or even speaking.
In his Instagram post, Mc Fullstop expressed his frustration with his failing lungs, comparing them to the liver, which has the ability to heal itself, while lungs do not. He stated that he was considering retiring from music and “hanging his boots” due to his worsening condition. His words were poignant, as he thanked his supporters for their help and encouragement throughout his ordeal.
Mc Fullstop’s announcement has undoubtedly left his fans shocked and saddened. TB is a highly infectious disease caused by bacteria that can spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The disease mostly affects the lungs, but it can also affect other parts of the body, including the throat, bones, and lymph nodes. While TB is curable with antibiotics, the treatment can be lengthy and arduous, and it requires a long-term commitment from patients to complete the regimen.
Mc Fullstop’s open discussion about his TB diagnosis and struggles with the disease is commendable. His courage in speaking out will raise awareness about the importance of early detection and treatment.