Jamie Canhead Keeton has a super ability

Canhead, aka Jamie Keeton, 48, of Kenosha, is a “has a super ability” who doesn’t mind sharing his ability with anyone who asks to see it.
Keeton can place anything with a solid, smooth surface on his head and hands and have it stick.
According to Keeton, the pores on his skin draw more air than regular pores and act as suction cups.
Keeton holds the Guinness world record for the number of cans stuck to one’s head, which is eight, and has turned his “super power” into a brand and business.
Q. What kind of things can you stick to your body?
A. I can stick cellphones to my body, a gallon of water, glass bottles. Glass, plastic and aluminum are the things I stick to me the most because they’re not magnetic. If I used glue, I’d have lot of scars from ripping things off.
Q. When did you realize that you had this ability?
A. At 7 years old things started sticking to me. My parents thought it was pine sap from climbing trees. I shaved my head when I was in my 20s, and I went to a ball game. It was real hot that day. I had a can of pop and was trying to cool my head down. All of a sudden they hit a home run, and I went up to grab it, missed the ball, and I was like, “Where’s my drink?” Everyone started laughing. Unbeknownst to me, whenever I (turned my head), my drink would fly out of the can. It took us almost five minutes to pull it off.
Q. What exactly is your ability, and is there anything else connected to it?
A. My doctor told me that I’m one of four people in the world. My skin pores suck in oxygen. Because of that, it generates body heat, which makes my body temperature stay at 100 degrees mostly all the time. It gave me extraordinary powers. I can squat almost 1,200 pounds 30 times straight. I can bench press 500 pounds 15 times straight. I got a third-degree burn, and it healed in a week and a half. I heal faster, and I don’t age like everyone else.
Q. When did you take your ability public?
A. At first I was nervous talking around people. I would do little things. Just going into a bar and friends would ask to do the thing I do. I went bigger and bigger. Finally I went to a Red Bull Flugtag, and a friend told me to put cans on my head. I did it, and all of a sudden the executives there asked if I would take pictures with the celebrities and the winners of the event. I said, “I don’t know.” Then they said, “We’ll pay you.” I went, “OK.” Since then I thought, “Wow, I can get paid to do this, to wear people’s stuff.”
Q. What television shows have you appeared on?
A. I’ve appeared on Ellen, Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon, James Corden. I’ve been on “Outrageous Acts of Science.” I’ve been on “20/20,” CNN, ABC News, TMZ. That’s the crazy part; when I go out to Las Angeles, TMZ follows me. The game show “To Tell the Truth,” we already filmed it. It’s going to be airing this month on ABC.
Q. How did you get into the Guinness Book of World Records?
A. That’s a funny story. I’m at a bar with one of my friends and kept getting this message from China. They said they were hosting the Guinness World Records and would like to know if I’d be interested in coming. I was like, “Yeah.” I found out they (China) was going to pay for me to be there.
Q. If someone out there discovers they have a talent or a “super power,” what advice would you give?
A. When I first started I didn’t want to be considered a freak. What really helped me